Welcome and take a look around this site.  My hope is that you will find it of some benefit. 

I started Non Conformist Conscience because I felt that there was a calling in my community for deconditiong of societies “standards”, “rules”, “customs”, “beliefs”, and “traditions”.  Often times I found myself asking, “is this what I think or how I really feel?”.  I want to help guide others in my society and the collective to decondition and remember their authentic selves.  For a long time I did what society and my family wanted me to do, all the while I felt as if I was betraying myself.  I “checked all the boxes”; school, career, partnership, marriage, children, buying a house.  None of that felt like my “purpose”.  In fact I realized that just because society tells you or indoctrinates you into a belief system of; “if you do this, you will be happy”, that it doesn’t mean you will be happy. I felt that I kept coming up short. I thought to myself, “there must be more than this”. The more I made a conscious effort to look at myself with love and honesty, the more I realized I was living a life that was not authentic to myself, from this observation the self knowledge became wisdom.  We live in a society that is patriarchal and capitalistic.  I wanted to shed the internalized threads of those two things. To do that I first started looking at the things I had defined in my life and my beliefs and ideologies about them were what kept me feeling separate, scared, attached. I started to look at how I was in relationship to myself.  In order to impart change I had to be willing to start with myself.  I am still observing myself(it’s a lifetime job) and gaining self knowledge.  I am learning about how conditioned I am by the definitions that society and family has placed on me and taught me. Since learning about this and making a conscious effort to understand how this influences me, I am becoming more peaceful these days.  I am able to look at myself through loving and honest eyes, and I am returning and remembering my higher and authentic self. 


 I soon found that I wanted to help people and guide them to do the same.  Anytime we are deeply conditioned into something that is not of Natural Law or authentic to our Soul self, we end up suppressing.  That in turn creates a whole lot of distortion. Distortion breeds victim mentalities, rage, anger, depression, futility ,fear, attachment, and disillusionment. Honestly the list goes on.  I want to help educate others in my society on topics that have a need for  some light to be shed on.  I do that through astrological counseling, teaching, and just holding space for whatever needs to be or revealed.  


My hope for the future is that this will be a space where we can learn from each other and ultimately liberate from all the things that are keeping us from our natural authentic selves.  My prayer is to help those through teaching and counseling, so that it can ultimately transcend and change the collective. I want to help guide others back to themselves. Here you will find different teachings and a weekly forecast.  You will also be able to book sessions with me.  I will have in person and online teachings/class/gatherings to help grow the community in love.  Lets help each other come back to our true selves.


Much Love,


Previous Client Experiences

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